Quick, before you do anything else..

If you find you are interested in counseling, but maybe aren’t ready to inquire about an appointment yet, we have developed something just for you.  This is for our potential future clients who might not be ready for counseling today, because of any of the following possible reasons:


You aren’t 100% certain that you want counseling.


You do want counseling but your schedule just won’t allow it right now.


You want counseling, but your partner isn’t on board to attend yet.


Or you want counseling for a loved one or child, but you can’t currently convince them to attend.

Trust us, no worries…


These are all quite common, and so as a benefit to our future clients, Magnolia Family Counseling currently offers the option of securing your position in line for our increasingly limited counseling availabilities.  This option is completely risk free as you don’t need to pay anything up front, you only need to provide your email address, as being on Magnolia Family Counseling’s email list gives you the added benefit of being on our Reservation List.

When you enter your email address below, your entry will be time stamped and assigned a priority reservation number that will guarantee you preferential treatment over others when our limited number of available sessions is allocated.

If you don’t lock in your position today, there’s a chance that you won’t secure a spot, even when you decide you are ready to schedule a counseling session.  Simply lock in your position by entering your email address here:

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When you press Subscribe, your entry will be time-stamped for preferential handling for when you are ready to begin counseling sessions.